I want to report a bullying issue? Your child's teacher
I have an issue with School Money? Mrs Carpenter
I have an issue with the Compass App? Mrs Carpenter
I have an issue with the Dojo App? Mrs Ray
I am not happy with the way an issue has been dealt with by a member of staff? Mrs Ray
I have a query about my child's progress in a particular subject? Your child's teacher
I want to raise a safeguarding issue? Mrs Begley or Mrs Ray
I am concerned about a behaviour matter in school? Mrs Ray
I am concerned about my child who has or may have SEND (special educational needs or a disability)? Mrs Foy
My child has fallen out with their friendship group or is having issues linked to social media? Your child's teacher
I would like to find out how any help I could get with uniform or food? Mrs Begley
I want to join the PTFA? Mrs Fisher
I want to request an absence during term time? Mrs Begley
I want an appointment with the headteacher? Mrs Carpenter