Where can I find more information about the Coronavirus?
Parents can register to receive the latest county council Coronavirus updates using the following link. Parents can also sign up for the county council school closure alerts.
I am concerned and I want to keep my child off school – can I?
Parents should only be keeping their children off school on the advice of Public Health England or following NHS 111 advice.
If a parent has been advised by a medical professional to “self-isolate” their child, ask them to confirm the source/name of the advice and the period of self-isolation, then mark the absence as authorised. Normally, the child would be expected to be able to return after the isolation period.
A pupil has an existing illness or treatment that requires “additional precautions”, e.g., chemotherapy treatment. What should I do?
You should treat the pupil as you would normally do. You should ask the parent to seek advice from their doctor or specialist or contact NHS 111 and to advise the school or setting.
What is the current phase?
We are currently in the Contain phase. COBRA will determine when we move to the Delay phase, which we expect will be within the next 14 days
I am concerned my child has ‘flu-like’ symptoms. What do I need to do?
If a parent or child is ill and is worried about Coronavirus they should contact NHS 111. They should not go to their doctors, health centre or pharmacy.
The NHS and Public Health England will ascertain if the case is Coronavirus or, as is most likely, seasonal cold or flu.
If it is determined that the child’s illness is Coronavirus, Public Health England along with the county council’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Service will offer further advice on what you need to do as a school.
If parent keeps their child off without receiving medical advice to “self-isolate”, how should I mark the absence?
Parents remain responsible for ensuring that children attend school when it is open.
Whilst recognising the anxieties that some parents may have, if a parent simply keeps their child off school without a valid medical reason then the head teacher will record the absence as unauthorised.
We have a school activity/trip arranged at local venues and are concerned about potential risks?
Please follow any advice that the local event is providing around infection control. Ensure that pupils and support staff follow effective hand hygiene principals.
Continue to follow normal educational visit risk assessment procedures. Consider any individual vulnerabilities that pupils/staff may have.
Advice on public events is likely to change in the Delay Phase to restrict group activities.