Staff at St Luke's work alongside other professionals and agencies to support the needs of individual pupils.
When a need is identified we can call upon the following services:
Educational Psychologist (Local Authority)
Learning Support Advisory Teacher including support for specific learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia (Local Authority)
Social Emotional Mental Health Advisory Teachers (Local Authority)
Autism outreach –Autism, Language and Communication Team (Local Authority)
Hearing Support Team (Local Authority)
Vision Support Team (Local Authority)
Speech Therapist/ Therapy Assistants (NHS)
Occupational Therapist (OT) including an Occupational Therapist who specialises in sensory modulation difficulties/ eating difficulties.(NHS)
Children with disabilities team
CAMHS (Child and Mental Health Service). Early Interventions team. (NHS)
Consultation Paediatricians and Specialist nurses e.g. Diabetes nurse (NHS)