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Focus Meetings (Tiny Tigers)

Focus Child Questions and Answers


What is a focus child?

A focus child is a child that will be a focus for one week. During the week, a child will have an A3 sheet of paper on which quality interactions and learning experiences will be recorded.


What happens to the other children in the class?

Nothing different happens to the other child, their week remains as normal. The teacher will continue to assess other children as well as the focus child.


How often will my child be a focus child?

Your child will be a focus child about once every half term.


What happens if my child is away when they are the focus child?

Your child will be a focus child the week that they return to school.


I have two children in the setting, can they be a focus child the same week?

Yes, that can be arranged. The class teachers will need to be informed as soon as possible if you want this to happen so this can be discussed and arranged with all classes involved.


Will my child’s learning change?

Nothing will change, everything will remain as normal for your child.


Will the focus children remain in class?

Yes, as nothing will change to your child’s school experience.


Why do we have focus meetings?

The focus meetings give you the opportunity to discuss your child’s focus week and look at their work. It is the same as a parents evening but it is a time that is most suitable to you. It will not seem as rushed as the parents’ evenings might have been in the past. This will not change the communication that you have with parents as you are still welcome to come and speak to a teacher at any time.
