What are the different types of support available for children with SEND at St Luke's?
Class teacher input via targeted classroom teaching also known as Quality First Teaching.
For your child this would mean:
Specific group work with in a smaller group of children. This group, often called an intervention group, may be run in the classroom or outside. It will be run by a teacher or a teaching assistant.
**Please note that not all intervention groups are to support pupils with SEND.
For some pupils more specific, target led, small group or individual work will be needed to support their progress in school. This may involve working with a teacher, teaching assistant or other professional for example a speech therapist. This additional support may take place in or out of the classroom depending on the needs of all pupils.
If your child has a statement or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan) or has specific needs which require specialist intervention their provision will be planned and reviewed annually. This meeting will be centred around your child and planning the outcomes for their provision and progress. It will be an opportunity to share your child’s successes, likes and dislikes as well as their progress in school and an opportunity to plan for the future. The annual meeting will be attended by you, school staff and any other professionals working with your child (these meetings can be held at more regular intervals if needed).
Pupils with medical needs:
If your child has a medical condition you will be invited to meet with the Inclusion Leader before your child starts and thereafter at regular intervals to write a medical healthcare plan. This plan will ensure all staff in school are aware of your child’s medical needs and how to support your child to manage their condition. Staff working directly with your child will be trained appropriately before your child starts alternatively there may be a period when you are required to be support your child with the or medical needs whilst staff training is arranged.