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Caroline Begley monitors the attendance at St Luke’s.

As a school our attendance target is 96% and we would expect all parents to support their children in being punctual and attending school regularly to enable us to meet this target.   If for any reason your child is absent from school please contact Caroline first thing, any child who is absent without a valid reason is considered to be an unauthorised absence which could lead to prosecution.


It is our policy is that all children should be in school by 8.40am, any time after that an explanation will be required.  If you need to have a chat regarding any attendance issues you may have please feel free to come and see Mrs Ray or Caroline, you can also access our Attendance Policy below.


September 2024 Update


Thank you for your support in helping children be prepared for the start of a new academic year. It has been a smooth start to the year and children appear happy and settled in their new classes. This makes for a good year ahead!


School Attendance The last few years has significantly affected school attendance for all schools and children. The impact of this disruption on the education of children has been enormous. Therefore, it is imperative that we all now get back to ensuring that children attend school every day. In light of this, and following new guidance from the government, we have reviewed our attendance policy and we will be taking a firmer approach to ensuring pupils do not miss out on vital learning and catch up learning.


A copy of our attendance policy can be found below. In addition to this, please take a look at the attached information regarding school attendance and punctuality and the impact that missed time at school, by either not attending or by being regularly late, can have on your child’s education. We will, as always, continue to take a compassionate approach to children’s attendance and will continue to work closely with parents and take into account important factors such as illness and existing medical conditions that may hinder or prevent children attending school. We want to work with you. However, term time holidays are not acceptable in any form and will not be authorised. I sincerely hope you understand the approach we have to take on this, but please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Key Information on Attendance

Attendance posters

Have you a question about attendance?

Use this form to ask Caroline Begley our Attendance Champion.
