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Our Experiences

Our school's intent is to provide a rich 'cultural capital'. Our school has created 28 experiences that we want all of our children to take part in before they are 11 and 3/4 years old. These experiences are gained through either our enriched curriculum, through visits or visitors. Have a look below to see our list. Which ones have you done? Which ones do you wish you had done at school?  If you would like to make a comment use the link to send me a message.

Starting to tick off the list!

  1. Visit a Castle
  2. Visit a Museum
  3. Take part in an Enterprise
  4. Understand and help a charity in the UK
  5. Take part in an activity that helps a school in Africa
  6. Build a sancastle at the seaside
  7. Travel on a train
  8. Perform to an audience (drama)
  9. Learn to swim
  10. Visit a zoo or animal sanctuary
  11. Take part in a Residential
  12. Take part in a sport competitvely
  13. Visit a city
  14. Take part in Forest School and cook food on an open fire
  15. Take part in helping our comunity
  16. Go pond dipping
  17. Visit an Art Gallery
  18. Read 42 quality texts in depth
  19. Take a walk in the countryside
  20. Take an active part in protecting our earth
  21. Learn how to play 4 instruments (Cornet/trombone, ukulele, Djembe drum and ocarina)
  22. See an aeroplane take off at an airport
  23. Visit different places of Worship
  24. Watch a play at a theatre
  25. Take part in a career event
  26. Learn how to ride a bike
  27. Be a member of the local library
  28. Visit a place of further education