Collective worship plays a central part in the life of our school. It is a time where the whole school is given the opportunity to meet together, participate and reflect.
The structure of collective worship is detailed below.
Monday - Christian value theme
Worship planned by a teacher and led by pupils from the 'Worship Whizz Kids' team.
Tuesday - Values linked to the Bible
An engaging gathering led by a church member or class teacher with a focus on a biblical theme as a source for inspiration and learning. Once every half-term the children also go outside to Worship in the Wild.
Wednesday - Singing Worship
Children meet to worship through song.
Thursday - Elim Pentecostal Church
An engaging gathering led by Michelle from Elim focusing on British Values
Friday -Shining Together Worship
Children are chosen to share good work that has been achieved during the week. We celebrate and thank God for our gifts and talents. We also celebrate the work that children have completed at home connected to the Christian Value.
Throughout the year
Each class in the school take it in turn to plan and lead worship for the whole school.
Special acts of worship to celebrate the liturgical year are held in St Luke's Church. We focus on Harvest, Advent and Easter.
Classes lead the reading and prayers on these occasions. Parents and our school community are invited to these church services.