The Board of Governors of St Luke's CE School recognise their corporate responsibility as an employer to provide a safe and healthy environment for the teaching and non-teaching staff, the pupils and other people who come onto the premises. They will take all reasonably practicable steps within their power to fulfil this responsibility.
The Designated Health & Safety Lead at St. Luke’s CE School is: Miss Emily Kirkham.
Caroline Begley is the Designated Safeguarding Lead Officer.
In partnership with the H & S Representative Governor from the Board of Governors, they will annually review the Health and Safety Policy via its Finance and Premises Committee that will include Health & Safety as an item on all its agendas.
The Designated Security, Health & Safety Governor Lead at St. Luke’s CE School is Mr Dennis Morris.
Miss EMily Kirkham, in partnership with the designated H & S Governor Representative, will draw up the necessary arrangements to secure compliance with all health and safety requirements. Such documents will be written down and the information made available to staff and the Board of Governors.
The Key Manager will monitor, with the H & S Governor Representative from the Finance and Premises Committee of the Board of Governors, the implementation of the arrangements.
In October, February and June the Headteacher, H&S Lead and the Governor H & S Representative meet to carry out a review of Health and Safety at school. This includes the monitoring of the internal and external points of the school site. A report is drafted and circulated to the Board of Governors as part of the ongoing self review and monitoring that takes place at our school. The reports are published below: